How will IT security be set up in 2025 and what kind of threats do experts anticipate in the future? The latest expert survey initiated by RadarServices sheds light on this sensitive subject.

  • Experts estimate that the number of cyber-attacks will increase by 300% each year (average of responses)
  • 72% of the experts are concerned: From today’s perspective companies are by far not sufficiently prepared for future challenges
  • 55% of the experts name users as the most neglected security risk
  • A timeline for the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: 70% of the experts see machine learning currently still in the early stages and expect progress towards 2020

IT security experts are concerned: 72% of them state that companies are not sufficiently enough prepared for future IT security challenges. This high percentage shows that companies have to actively protect their data and values. According to the experts, users of IT systems, their security awareness and know-how are usually the first starting point for attacks and therefore security threats for companies. Overall, 55% of the experts agreed on this matter.

IoT, the Internet of all things, is viewed as a security trap: rapidly growing interconnectedness gives cyber-criminals a lot of opportunities to attack companies. This is why experts expect a dramatic rise in cyber-attacks. They estimate that the number of cyber-attacks will rise 300% each year (average of responses). 31% of the participants of the survey expect a yearly growth rate of 500% or more.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and the continuous IT security monitoring of IT landscapes are the future trends of the industry – all in all, 66% of the experts share this view. The progress in the field of AI will be significant in 2020 and even more noticeable in 2025.

Experts predict a contrary trend for the future of anti-virus scanners, signature based detection technologies and firewalls. 59% of the experts state that these kinds of technologies will become less important.